With 21 missions to test your mettle and four renegade lords to defeat, it is up to you to reunite medieval England and take back your lands from the treacherous Rat, Pig, Snake and Wolf. Engage in medieval warfare against the AI in one of two single player campaigns or online with up to 8 players. Museum glass looks invisible! 95% glare reduction.The original castle sim, Stronghold HD allows you to design, build and destroy historical castles. If you have questions about Type I versus Type III please contact us at Museum Glass - For $30, this is something to consider! You will notice the difference every time you visit with your ant colony.
This list not meant to be all inclusive. Solenopsis invicta, Solenopsis germinata. For the following species we do recommend Type III, however: This destructive behavior is not a problem for the large majority of commonly kept species of ants. This hardness aids in the prevention of ant species from tunneling through their nest materials. Both have naturalistic looks and the choice amongst ant keepers vary mainly on personal preference of a visual nature. Type III is significantly harder than Type I. Type I (Ytong) is a stone carved surface dyed with natural dyes while Type III has sand coated chambers. Both are easily modified with additional nestmates for increased humidity control using the options below. Type I vs Type III - Type I is a dryer nest (more suited for Camponotus, Lasius, Formica for example) than Type III all things being equal. Type I or Type III - This nest is for small-medium colonies and therefore we feel either Type I (Ytong carved) or Type III (our proprietary sand-coated castings) are both good options for any species. For more detailed instructions for this setup please include these in the comments box when ordering. 50/50 Decor options - One foraging area is (for example) a desert mountain foraging area and the other is a desert foraging area. Only one tree is included in one of the two foraging areas when this option is chosen. We find it useful in creating additonal foraging surfaces. The Great Tree option is available for $10 in this formicarium but please keep in mind this takes up a lot of space in the foraging area. Watch the new Fortress Formicarium Video belowĭecor options - the 4" height limits decor options only slightly. We have found this leads to a cleaner habitat overall and limits the amount of maintenance needed inside the nest due to trash that ants may leave inside their nest areas. Ants naturally move the trash away from the most humid areas of the nest which would be the foraging area (the goal of this arrangement). In order for ants to store trash in the upper areas of their nest they must struggle against gravity (an unnatural behavior for ants as they bury most food inside their nest in the wild or discard it). The other expansion chambers and tunnels are above this entrance and the water towers. The entry for the ants into the foraging area is on the bottom level of the habitat. "Bottom-Up" design - Both the Fortess and the Stronghold formicaria were planned so as to have a different arrangement of their nest and foraging area. What comes with your formicarium? Mini Liquid Feeder, 2 feeding dishes, 2 nestmates, stoppers for access ports, and a syringe and blunt tip adapter. Many of the Stronghold features are similar to the Fortress such as the vertical style nest (ants moving up and down in their habitat), nestmates being included as a standard feature, and a small bundle of accessories included with each order. Large Water T owers (Screen covered apparatus inside habitat for humidity). We have found this to be a benefit for keeping foraging areas cleaner and feeding maintenance times down to a minimum. In addition the dual foraging areas allow for a greater degree of control of feeding areas. The Stronghold formicarium is more than twice the size of the Fortress. The Nest block attaches/detaches via powerful magnets and short one inch tubing. This formicarium features double foraging areas, a 4" x 8" nest area (100mm x 200mm), and removable glass faces. The Stronghold formicarium is a double-sized "Fortress style" habitat.